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October print for Fightscrubs

It’s been a recent pleasure to screen print for Fightscrubs, whose aim is to ‘Make a quality fashion based range of t-shirts, which are thought provoking, edgy and a little more twisted than most other fighty sort of brands out there…’

Maxim from The Prodigy!

Their prints are ‘done on high quality t-shirts and are printed to the highest standard, (their words not ours, so thanks!) so they aren’t going to give up after a few rounds in the washing machine, to give a unique looking high quality shirt from an up and coming brand, at a fair price’

Fightscrubs is still a company in it’s infancy, but feedback from their first line of products and levels of repeat custom have been very good, they have even managed to get one of their tees on music and fashion icon Maxim from “The Prodigy” as pictured here…A proud moment!

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