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Stephane Tartelin drawings with computer graphics

 Stephane TartelinStephane Tartelin. Who is he? – Well he was born in France in 1976 and living in Paris, Stephane Tartelin start mixing traditional drawings with computer graphics at 15 years old. After 5 years of professional visual communication school, he fulfill childhood dream and start working for different video games development studio in Paris.

In January 2000 he starts working as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and motion designer. He now works for various range of international advertising, broadcast and publishing clients and still explore all facets of graphic design, animation, 3D, photography and of course illustration that remains his favourite playground.

We love his style and recommend a visit to Stephane Tartelin site http://www.tartelin.com to see more of his graphic. They have even reached some very cool tshirts.

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